Taking notes is my hack for paying close attention

Posted by bryanzug - 2009/03/01

Roo & Tug —

I’m always trying out different ways to take notes.

Note taking, for me, has always increased my retention of information. It’s one of the hacks I do to make sure I’m not just being passive as I sit in a seminar, or lecture, or sermon, etc.

One of my favorite ways to take notes is with what is called a mind map — a visual way to map out information and show how various ideas and bits are related to one another.

I’ve been using a new mind map tool the last couple of weeks called MindMeister, that let’s you share your maps via the web (kinda like a YouTube video).

So I thought I’d show you the notes I’m taking this morning at our church campus in downtown Seattle.

Here they are.

Much love —


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